aka.ms/mysecurityinfo-View and Manage Microsoft Account Security

aka.ms/mysecurityinfo is a web page where you can view and manage key security information for your Microsoft account. Having a secure Microsoft account is important for protecting your data and preventing unauthorized access.

At aka.ms/mysecurityinfo you can view recent account activity, security alerts, recovery options, connected devices, and more. You can also manage security features like two-factor authentication, recovery email/phone, password changes, and advanced protection.

Accessing Your Microsoft Account Security Page

To view your Microsoft account security info, go to aka.ms/mysecurityinfo and sign in with your Microsoft account credentials. This will bring you to the security page containing your account’s security details.

The aka.ms/mysecurityinfo page has a simple layout divided into sections for:

  • Recent activity – View history of recent sign-ins, account changes, and security alerts.
  • Security alerts – See any active alerts about suspicious activity or security events.
  • Recovery options – Confirm your recovery email, phone, and security info.
  • Devices – View and manage devices connected to your account.
  • Sign-in settings – Enable/disable two-factor authentication.
  • Password – Change your account password.
  • About advanced protection – Learn about enabling advanced security features.

This covers the key information available for keeping your Microsoft account safe and secure.

Key Microsoft Account Security Details

Some important security details to review on your aka.ms/mysecurityinfo page:

  • Recent activity – Check for any sign-ins, security changes, or events from unknown locations or devices.
  • Two-factor authentication – Enable two-factor authentication for extra login security.
  • Recovery options – Set a recovery email and phone number in case you get locked out.
  • Connected devices – Remove any unfamiliar or old devices.
  • Password – Change your password regularly and make it complex.
  • Advanced protection – Enable for stronger security against targeted attacks.

Routinely checking these security settings helps prevent unauthorized access to your Microsoft account and data.

Managing Microsoft Account Security

In addition to viewing your security info, you can also manage key account security features on aka.ms/mysecurityinfo.

Here are some best practices for securing your Microsoft account:

  • Enable two-factor authentication – Add an extra layer of sign-in security by requiring a second step like a code or authentication app.
  • Add recovery contact options – Provide a recovery phone number and email address in case you get locked out of your account.
  • Review connected devices – Remove any old computers or unfamiliar devices to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Change your password regularly – Update your password every 90 days with a complex 12+ character passphrase.
  • Use advanced protection – Strengthen security against targeted phishing and attacks by enabling advanced protection features.
  • Check activity frequently – Routinely review account activity to spot any suspicious behavior as soon as possible.

Taking advantage of these security management options on aka.ms/mysecurityinfo helps keep intruders out of your Microsoft account.

Additional Microsoft Account Security Features

Beyond the basics on the security info page, Microsoft provides additional ways to further secure your account:

  • Advanced protection program – Enroll in this program to enable stronger identity verification and enhanced malware and phishing protection.
  • Security keys – Use a physical security key as a second form of authentication when signing in for maximum account security.
  • Account recovery – Set up trusted contacts to help with account recovery if you get locked out.
  • Tamper protection – Prevent malware or intruders from disabling your security info like MFA and recovery options.
  • Suspicious activity monitoring – Microsoft proactively monitors for suspicious account activity and will contact you if detected.

Take full advantage of these extra security features for keeping your Microsoft account safe from compromise.


Securing your Microsoft account is critical for protecting your data and preventing identity theft. The aka.ms/mysecurityinfo page provides a convenient hub to view and manage key account security settings.

Regularly check your account activity, enable two-factor authentication, set recovery options, review devices, change your password, and enable advanced protection. Routinely monitoring your Microsoft account security info helps ensure unauthorized users stay out.

Protecting your online identities starts with a safe Microsoft account. Visit aka.ms/mysecurityinfo today to view and update your account’s security information.

For more information visit https://download4windows.com/

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