PC لاءِ Gameloop ڊائون لوڊ ڪريو

توھان جي ڪمپيوٽر تي Tencent رانديون کيڏڻ جو بھتر طريقو آھي. It’s all thanks GameLoop emulator.

شايد توھان سوچي رھيا آھيو Blueو BlueStacks يا Nox emulators استعمال نٿا ڪري سگھجن theyاڪاڻ ته انھن bothنھي وٽ آھن مضبوط PC ايموليٽرز.. GameLoop خاص طور تي Tencent گيمز لاءِ اھيو ويو ھو. ھي ٽول پيش ڪري ٿو بھترين استعمال ڪندڙ تجربو ۽ اصلاح ڪري ٿو رانديون.

The software supports ذميواري جو احساس, ۽ PUBGس. ڪيپيڊ مطابقت متاثر ڪندڙ وڊيو صلاحيتن جي اجازت ڏئي ٿي. توهان کي ملنديون رانديون تمام زنده آهن گرافڪ ڪنٽرول جي مهرباني.

makesا ڪري ٿو GameLoop ايموليٽر قابل اعتماد?


There are many emulators you might think could do the trick, as we have already mentioned. GameLoop, بهرحال, is a different kind of emulator. These are just a few of the many reasons GameLoop is the best emulator for Android games.

  • Live streams can be viewed without a browser. You can live-stream with the emulator.
  • It is the fastest Android emulator that can run on a PC.
  • You can download the games quickly by pressing a button
  • The emulator uses the powerful GPU, CPU and RAM to make gaming more exciting than on a mobile device.
  • You can also download multiple games from the app’s game center without having to set up mapping settings, as Tencent already assigns them.
  • This tool now has a network acceleration feature which allows you to optimize your network connection.


GameLoop: The Advantages

  • Tencent GameLoop makes it easy to install games.
  • It supports many languages around the globe, which promotes universal gaming.
  • Software configuration can be adjusted to optimize performance.
  • Tencent حفاظتي ڪنٽرول شامل ڪيا آھن اينٽي چيٽ فيچر ٽول ۾ جيڪو روڪي ٿو sڪ ۽ atingي کي.

GameLoop Advantages

  • Appsين قسمن جون ائپس سافٽ ويئر طرفان سپورٽ ناهن.
  • gamesيو توھان جون رانديون آسانيءَ سان ھلائڻ, اهو ڪنهن otherئي خدمت پيش نٿو ڪري.

گیم لوپ ايموليٽر ڊائون لوڊ گهرجون

اڪثر emulators جي ضرورت نه آهي توهان کي ڊائون لوڊ ڪرڻ لاءِ ڪو به اضافي سافٽ ويئر يا ايموليٽر. GameLoop هڪ مختلف پراڊڪٽ آهي. GameLoop جي ضرورت آھي ته توھان جو ڪمپيوٽر انھن ضرورتن کي پورو ڪري.

  • توھان جو ڪمپيوٽر گھٽ ۾ گھٽ ھجڻ گھرجي 2 GB اسٽوريج
  • You should choose between AMD or Intel processors. Core i5 or higher is preferred.
  • Minimum RAM size should not exceed 4GB. It is better to have fast, actionable RAM.
  • The screen resolution must be 720 pixels and the display must be full-HD.

How to download GameLoop Emulator on Windows and Mac

This process is much simpler than downloading other software. These are the steps to help you download GameLoop onto your computer.

  1. To download an excel file, click on this link. https://gameloop.en.softonic.com/download
  2. Go to the download folder on your computer and search for the file. Double-click the file to open it and then run it from your computer.
  3. The terms and conditions will be requested of you. Once you have completed this, GameLoop can be installed on your computer and you can start playing your favorite games.


Here is the video that explains everything. If you get stuck, you can always follow the video.


Gamers want to do more. Gamers want to be able to play games more comfortably and enjoy the full experience. It is best to play games faster and on a larger screen.

GameLoop بهترين سافٽ ويئر آهي توهان جي PC تي اينڊرائيڊ گيمز کيڏڻ لاءِ. توھان لطف اندوز ڪندؤ اضافي فائدا ۽ وڏي گیمنگ ڪميونٽي جي سپورٽ. هي س مفت آهي. توھان ان کي فوري طور استعمال ڪري سگھوٿا!

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