Luchdaich sìos Notability Airson Windows PC agus Mac

Notability is one of the top-rated apps for note-taking, annotation, organization and studying. Originally launched in 2010 for iOS, Notability’s versatile features have made it a favorite among students, professionals and anyone who wants to go paperless with their notes and documents. Ach, Notability’s official app is still limited to iOS and Android platforms only. … Leugh tuilleadh

Luchdaich sìos Kasa App Airson PC (Windows, Laptop, MAC)

Kasa Smart App Airson PC (Windows, Laptop, MAC) 32 & 64bit Full Download For Free Download Kasa Smart for PC/Mac/Windows 7,8,10 agus bidh an eòlas spòrsail agad bho bhith a ’cleachdadh na h-aplacaidean fòn cliste air Deasg no coimpiutairean pearsanta. Kasa is an app that lets you create a list of products, riaghladh e, agus roinn iad ann am buidhnean. OrderLeugh tuilleadh

Luchdaich sìos App Yoga VPN Airson Windows PC

Luchdaich sìos agus stàlaich App Yoga VPN air do Windows PC an-asgaidh. Ma tha thu airson fuireach sàbhailte agus tèarainte fhad ‘s a tha thu a’ cleachdadh an eadar-lìn, Yoga VPN is an ideal option for you. This is a powerful VPN service for users who are concerned about their internet security. Lìonra prìobhaideach brìgheil (VPN) is a wonderful technologyLeugh tuilleadh

Werble Airson Windows PC

Werble: Dealbh & Beothadair bhidio Dòigh ùr chumhachdach gus draoidheachd gluasaid a thoirt do na dealbhan agus na h-ealain agad! Tionndaidh gu furasta ìomhaighean fhathast gu bhith nan amannan gluasadach tarraingeach. Tha e luath agus spòrsail, agus le còrr 1000 buaidhean tha comas cruthachail gun chrìoch. Seas a-mach bhon t-sluagh le Werble. Bi air leth agus dèan do shàr-obair inntinneach fhèin! … Leugh tuilleadh