Descargar Notability para Windows PC e Mac

Notabilidade é unha das aplicacións mellor valoradas para tomar notas, anotación, organización e estudo. Lanzado orixinalmente en 2010 para iOS, As características versátiles de Notable convertérono nun favorito entre os estudantes, profesionais e quen queira ir sen papel coas súas notas e documentos. Non obstante, A aplicación oficial de Notability aínda está limitada só ás plataformas iOS e Android.

Moitos usuarios solicitaron unha versión para Windows e Mac para usar as poderosas capacidades de notas de Notability no seu portátil ou escritorio. Aínda que Notability aínda non se expandiu a estas plataformas de forma nativa, hai algunhas solucións para descargar e instalar Notability en PCs con Windows e dispositivos Mac.

Esta guía cubrirá diferentes opcións para obter Notability nun ordenador con Windows ou Mac, incluíndo o uso de emuladores de Android para Windows e aplicacións de notas alternativas para Mac. Tamén se proporcionarán instrucións para configurar Notable en todas as plataformas para sincronizar notas sen problemas.

Descargar Opcións para Notability

Actualmente, a única forma de descargar oficialmente Notability é a través da App Store para dispositivos iOS ou Google Play Store para Android. Notability non lanzou unha aplicación nativa para Windows ou macOS.

Using an Android Emulator for Windows

The simplest way to use Notability on a Windows PC is by running it through an Android emulator like BlueStacks. This allows you to access the Android version on Windows 10 ou 11 devices.

To do this, first download and install BlueStacks on your computer. Then open the Google Play store in the emulator and search for Notability to install it. Unha vez instalado, log into your Notability account to sync all your existing content.

The Android app translates well to the larger laptop/desktop interface. You get access to all of Notability’s core note-taking and editing features.

Alternative Note Apps for Mac

Since there is no official Notability Mac app, the best option is to use another note-taking app designed for macOS. Some top alternatives with similar features include GoodNotes, Bear, OneNote, e Evernote.

Aínda que poden non ser substitutos exactos de Notabilidade, estas aplicacións ofrecen capacidades de notas dixitais como escribir, escritura a man con Apple Pencil, anotando PDF, organizar notas en cadernos, colaboración, e sincronización multiplataforma.

Instala Notability en PC con Windows

Aquí tes as instrucións paso a paso para descargar e configurar Notability nun portátil ou escritorio con Windows:

Descargando o emulador de BlueStacks

Primeira, descargar BlueStacks para Windows desde e pasar polo proceso de instalación. BlueStacks esencialmente creará un ambiente Android na súa máquina Windows.

Conseguindo notability de Google Play Store

Unha vez instalado BlueStacks, ábreo e busca a icona de Google Play Store. Fai clic para abrir a Play Store no emulador. Buscar “Notabilidade” e fai clic en instalar para descargalo.

Iniciando sesión na túa conta de notability

Despois de que Notable remate a instalación en BlueStacks, abra a aplicación. Deberías ver a “Acceder” botón – toca isto e introduce o teu correo electrónico e contrasinal para a túa conta de Notabilidade existente. Ao iniciar sesión sincronizaranse todas as túas notas, cadernos e axustes.

Sincronizando notas desde o móbil

Dálle a Notable uns minutos para sincronizar completamente o teu contido desde a aplicación iOS ou Android na nube. En breve verás todos os teus cadernos, notas, e anotacións dispoñibles en Windows.

Agora tes a versión de Android de Notability lista para usar no teu portátil ou escritorio con Windows!

Usando Notability en PC con Windows

A funcionalidade de Notability en Windows a través de BlueStacks é moi similar á experiencia móbil. Aquí tes algunhas das principais características das que podes aproveitar:

Características de toma de notas

  • Escriba ou escriba a man notas cun estilete
  • Debuxa formas, diagrams and mathematical equations
  • Highlight and annotate PDF documents
  • Record audio simultaneously while taking notes

Organization and Productivity

  • Create and manage notebooks for each subject
  • Add dividers, sections and tags to organize notes
  • Search notes quickly by keyword or content
  • Share notebooks and notes for collaboration

Annotations and Collaboration

  • Annotate PDFs with highlights, underlines and text comments
  • Collaborate on notes in real-time with other users
  • Export annotated notes and documents as PDF files

Cross-Platform Syncing

  • Bi-directional syncing with iOS and Android over the cloud
  • Start notes on mobile, continue editing on Windows
  • Access updates from collaborators on shared notes

Install Notability on Mac

Unfortunately there is currently no direct way to download and install Notability on a Mac computer. An official macOS app has not been developed yet by the creators of Notability.

The best alternative is to use another robust note-taking and annotation app designed specifically for the Mac operating system. Some top options to consider:


  • Hierarchical notebook organization system
  • Handwriting with Apple Pencil + wide range of pen tools
  • Annotate PDFs with comments, shapes, etc..
  • Sync notes to iOS devices


  • Sinxelo, beautiful note-taking interface
  • Hashtag system for organization
  • Universal links and note backlinks
  • Syncs between Mac, iOS, e máis


  • Notebooks with sections and pages structure
  • Office document integration and collaboration
  • Draw tools for freehand inking
  • Availability across all platforms


  • Tag-based note organization
  • Document scanner via camera
  • Web clipper for saving webpages
  • Note sharing and publishing

While not perfect substitutes, these apps provide many overlapping capabilities with Notability for note taking and annotation on Mac. O máis importante, they allow you to access notes on both macOS and iOS for multi-device utility.

Tips for Using Notability on PC and Mac

Here are some tips to maximize productivity with Notability using the Windows/Android or Mac setup:

Keyboard Shortcuts

Use handy shortcuts like Ctrl+N to create a quick note, Ctrl+Shift+N for a new notebook, and Ctrl+F to search notes.

Customize the Interface

Modify the sidebar, add quick access toolbars, change scrolling behavior and other settings to optimize Notability for your larger desktop interface.

Import External Files

Bring in PDFs and image files to annotate within Notability. The Windows/Android versions allow easy file importing.

Back Up Your Notes

Use cloud syncing via services like Google Drive or iCloud. Can also export notebooks as PDF files to store locally as backups.


While Notability is not natively available for Windows or Mac, users can still download it using an Android emulator for Windows PCs or reputable alternative apps on Mac. These options allow you to take advantage of robust note-taking and organization features across devices. It does require some initial setup, but being able to access the same powerful notes from mobile to desktop is well worth the effort. Until official versions are released, these solutions provide Notability functionality for Windows and Mac users.


Q: Does Notability have a Windows or Mac app?

A: Non, there is no official Notability app for Windows or macOS yet. The iOS and Android versions are the only native apps.

Q: What is the best way to use Notability on my Windows laptop?

A: Downloading the Android app via an emulator like BlueStacks will allow you to run Notability on a Windows PC.

Q: What are some good alternatives to Notability for Mac?

A: Some top options are GoodNotes, Bear, OneNote, e Evernote. They provide robust note capabilities designed for macOS.

Q: Can I access my Notability notes from iOS/Android on my computer?

A: Si, logging into your Notability account will sync all your existing notes and notebooks to the Windows or Mac versions.

Q: Does the Android version of Notability have all the same features?

A: Nearly all of the core note-taking tools and functionality are available in the Android app that runs on Windows via emulator.

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