ونڊوز پي سي ۽ ميڪ لاءِ مشهوري ڊائون لوڊ ڪريو

Notability نوٽ وٺڻ لاءِ اعليٰ درجي جي ائپس مان هڪ آهي, تشريح, تنظيم ۽ اڀياس. اصل ۾ شروع ڪيو ويو 2010 iOS لاءِ, Notability’s versatile features have made it a favorite among students, professionals and anyone who wants to go paperless with their notes and documents. بهرحال, Notability’s official app is still limited to iOS and Android platforms only. … و Readيڪ پڙهو