Windows PC上下載The Arcana緊

How To Download The Arcana Game on Windows PC


The Arcana – A Story of Mystery and Romance 是。 a ‘visual novel’ in which players will control a young magician 和。 tarot player, whose mentor has left in charge of an esoteric store. The Player’s job will be to throw the cards to the different characters that pass by the store, 喺呢個過程中改變他們的生活。.

The game system of The Arcana – A Story of Mystery and Romance is very simple. 通常我哋會限制自己與其他字符交談。, 能夠選擇我哋想喺某些場合畀出嘅答案。. 在壓力時期。, 除咗., 我哋將有一個有限嘅時間嚟揀我哋想要畀出嘅答案或我哋想採取乜嘢行動。.

喺冒險嘅開始。, 我哋將開始知道字符,我哋將不得不作出相對唔重要嘅決定。. 然而。, 正如故事解決。, 我哋會發現自己捲入上升嘅危險奧秘,將危及遊戲中嘅一些字符。.

The Arcana – A Story of Mystery and Romance It is a ‘visual novel’ with a fascinating theme full of conspiracy, which also has a beautiful visual section and very charismatic characters. 類型嘅優秀代表。, 喺我哋嘅決定真的有重量。.




  1. 下載. & 安裝. 藍棧。.
  2. 打開aaa文件。: 雙擊aa文件以啟動BlueStacks並安裝應用程序。. 如果您的aaa文件#8217唔會自動打開BlueStacks。, 右鍵單擊它,然後選擇打開與網絡瀏覽器到藍堆。. 你仲可以把aaa文件拖放到BlueStacks主屏幕上。.
  3. 安裝後。, 只需單擊"運行"即可打開。, 它像奇蹟一樣工作。.

突出。 :

  1. 選擇您的發音。.
  2. 暴露危險秘密。.
  3. 決定愛或懲罰。.
  4. 擁有神秘嘅浪漫。.
  5. 解開謎團。.
  6. Immerse yourself in Vesuvia.


The Arcana is an inclusive visual novel & 所有性取向嘅玩家開發嘅愛情遊戲。 & 性別。. 唔理你係基佬。, 女同., 兩性。, 或任何其他方向。, your romance awaits in these interactive story games.
